Aircraft Market Events
The prior 6 month analysis trend: average number of sales per month! About 47 Aircraft per month!
APRIL 2020 = 23 Aircraft Sold
51% below the AVERAGE
But Wait.
Industry shutdown as a result of COVID 19
The results for April,
under the circumstances aren’t a huge surprise.
Awaiting the results for May 2020.
Lear 60 through BBJ See Definition Below
Aircraft For Sale.
Inventory continues to grow.
Lear 60 through BBJ See Definition Below
Is the market in Free Fall?
Sales are down significantly, Inventory is increasing…….
This information is available.
Contact me
The Analysis
Aircraft Manufactures = 8
Aircraft Models= 63
Lear 60 through Boeing BBJ
(Gross Takeoff Weight of 23,000 Pounds and up. Models that have been in production within the past 20 years)
Approximately 1/3 of the private jet market.
Abbreviated sample of Aircraft Market Data Attached for your review.
Applicable Market Performance Charts will be posted no later than May 15, 2020 at:
Data without insight is often useless.
For additional insight regarding the aircraft market or if you are interested in receiving specific aircraft data, contact me.
Gene Clow
425 985-0155