Argus: Covid-19 ‘Crushes’ N. American Bizav Traffic
As expected, Covid-19 “crushed” business aviation traffic in the U.S., Caribbean, and Canada last month, with the average daily activity for the entire month falling short of the single worst day for all of 2019, according to Argus International. Traqpak data released yesterday by the business aviation information firm showed that April flying plummeted 71.5 percent from a year ago. However, its forecast shows signs of optimism for May, which calls for a 43.9 percent year-over-year reduction.
Activity by aircraft category was consistent with previous trends showing heavier losses in larger-cabin jets and softer blows for the turboprop and light jet segments. On a year-over-year basis, turboprop flying dropped 62.1 percent last month, while light jets suffered a 70.1 percent loss. Midsize jet flying contracted 77.8 percent and large-cabin fell the hardest, sliding 80.3 percent.
Operator activity also followed recent trends showing charter faring the best and fractionals the worst. Charter flying skidded 66.9 percent, while Part 91 and fractional activity plunged 72.3 percent and 80.3 percent, respectively.
Every individual category experienced losses in the mid to upper double digits. The worst recorded decrease in individual categories—80.9 percent—was in fractional turboprops, closely followed by fractional midsize and large-cabin jets, which each were down 80.4 percent, and an 80.1 percent reduction in Part 91 large-cabin jet flying.
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