1996 KingAir 350
Total Time: 8060 (all times and cycles approximate)
Landings: 7813
ADS-B Compliant
Dual Aft Body Strakes (Raisbeck)
Necelle Wing Locker System (Raisbeck)

PT6A-60 PCE-95479
Left Engine Total Time: 8206
Left Engine Cycles: 11447
Time Since Overhaul: 1720
PTA-60 PCE-95551
Right Engine Total Time: 8306
Right Engine Cycles: 11515
Time Since Overhaul: 1720
Props: New July 2023 5 bladed props to be installed
UNIVERSAL UNS1F (FMS) WAAS (2011 installation)
Collins APS 65 Autopilot
Collins EFIS 85B
NAV Collins VIR 32 (2)
COMM Collins VHF 22A (2)
DME Collins DME 22
ADF Collins ADF 60A
Collins RADAR – INOP (Seller will not repair)
ALT: Collins ALT 50
DME: Collins DME 42
FDR: Fairchild F 800

CABIN: 9 Passenger
Forward 4 Place Club
With Executive Tables
Aft 4 Place Club
With Executive Tables
Aft Lav
Forward Refreshment Centers
Mid Cabin Pyramid Cabinets
Inspection Status
6 Year Landing Gear Inspection Due: 2027
5 Year Wing Bold Inspection Due 2026
3 Year Flap Inspection Due 2024
1&2 Phase Inspection Due October 2023