1997 Falcon 2000
sn 048

Painted 2013
Matterhorn White / Dupont Blue |
(Times, Cycles & Landings current as of April 23, 2023)
TTAF: 8563
Landings: 4043
Plan: CSP – GOLD
Type: Honeywell CFE 738-1-1B
S/N: P-105210 P-105225
TSN: 7902 hrs. 7213 hrs.
CSN: 3641 hrs. 3630 hrs.
MPI Due: 9946 hrs. 7534 hrs.
CZI Due: 13057 hrs. 11334 hrs.
Type: Honeywell GTCP 36-150 F2M
S/N: P-152
TSN: 4635 APU hrs.

FDS: Collins Pro Line 4
COM: Dual Collins VHF 422C with 8.33 spacing
NAV: Dual Collins VIR 432 NAV with FM immunity
A/P: Collins FCC 4002
XPD: Dual Collins TDR 94D Mode S with Enhanced Surveillance
ADF: Dual Collins ADF 462
DME: Dual Collins DME 442
ADC: Dual Collins ADC 850C
CDU: Dual Collins Display Units CDU-6100 WAAS/LPV
FMC: Dual Collins FMS 6000
DBU: Collins DBU 5010E
GPS: Dual Collins 4000S
AFIS: Honeywell SAT AFIS (DMU 400-045500-0005) with cockpit printer
SATCOM: Collins SAT 906 (6 channel)
HFCOM: Dual King KHF 950 with SELCAL
SELCAL: Coltech 2 channel
FFONE: Aircell Iridium – 4 handsets
RADAR: Collins TWR 850 with second controller
TCAS: Collins TCAS 94 TTR 920 TCAS II with change 7.1
RADALT: Dual Collins ALT 55B
EGPWS: Honeywell Mark V with Windshear
LRNAV: Dual Honeywell Laseref IV (installed 2021)
FDR: Honeywell SSFDR 980-4700-042
CVR: Honeywell SSCVR 980-6020-011
ELT: Artex C406-N
Audio Panels: Dual Baker
Additional Equipment & Features:
Collins Avionics Software (with latest software version installed)
Dual Collins RTU 4020 Radio Tuning Units
Skylight CDI 500 digital course indicator.
Collins Data Acquisition and Maintenance System
Dassault improved fin leading edge antenna for HF System (SB F2000 151Rev 1)
Dassault installation of Mach Hold Option (SB F2000 0099)
Dassault installation of dual wing navigation lights (SB F2000 181)
Lower fuselage anti collision light installation
Precise Flight Pulse Lights
Devore Tail Recognition Lights
Pylon Light
Turbo Cooler Air Bearing Installation (SB F2000 252)
APU Firewall Repair/Replacement (SB F2000 302 Rev 2)
Extension of A & B Inspection Interval (SB 2000 364)
3rd Crew Member Seat Installation
Baker PA / Cabin Chime System
Remote cabin temperature control system
Manual window shades
Airshow 400
WiFi: GoGo Avance L5. (Installed 2020)
Inspections: Due:
12/24 Month Feb 2024
36 Month Feb 2026
1C 72 Month Feb 2026
2C 144 Month Feb 2032
Ldg Overhaul Feb 2032
800 Hours 9323
1B (1600 hr) 8847
2B (3200 hr) 8847

Specifications subject to verification by Buyer, Seller does not warrant.
Aircraft is subject to removal from the market without notification